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Throughout the Bible there are accounts of individuals called primarily to ministry-related jobs being supported by other believers in different forms. In the Old Testament God gave instructions for tithing to provide for priests, and in the New Testament the apostles and early missionaries functioned through the generosity of believers in a similar way. This has continued for centuries as God stirs the hearts of believers to support those whose work of furthering the Kingdom is outside of the typical job structure. I believe that all believers are called to ministry and missions in each part of their life; for some of us that includes an office space and the daily grind of glorifying God and ministering to co-workers and family, for others it has been work focused on building the church through teaching, discipleship, and worship in ministerial jobs. I believe that my calling falls into the later category, at least for this portion of my life. There have been many times my role in the Kingdom has required dependence on God and His Church to stand beside me in spiritual and physical support, and that continues now.


The example of reliance in ministerial work I look to comes from the Apostle Paul. Throughout his letters, we see the way he strongly admonished others to pray for his work (2 Thessalonians 3:1), the way he humbly accepted and asked for support in his financial needs (Philippians 4:14-18), and the way he also worked when possible to contribute to these needs himself (Acts 18:3). This is a model I plan to continually strive to follow; to constantly request prayer, to rely on God to stir in the hearts of man to make it financially possible for me to dedicate my time to ministry, and to work as much as possible to lessen the burden and contribute to this ministry as well.


If you are interested in becoming one of my supporters, please continue reading to learn more about where God has currently placed me! Please also subscribe to this blog to stay updated on whats going on in this work!


Young Life Staff:

For the past few months I've had the privilege of being a leader with Young Life in the Williamsburg community. Young Life is an international youth ministry that exists to share the love and care of Jesus with youth right where they are. Every week hundreds of Young Life leaders rally students to the most chaotic hangouts with the hopes of giving them a community, a place to have fun, and the opportunity to hear about Jesus. For the past few months my weeks keep gaining new Young Life events, more hangouts with kids I meet, more sports games to cheer at, and more conversations about the things my High School friends are struggling with or trying to figure out. I’ve realized that I want to give more of my time and energy to caring for the youth in Williamsburg - and now I’m super excited to share that’s what I’ll be doing as I plan on joining the staff team of Williamsburg Young Life in the coming months!

Joining the staff team means I’ll be helping run this non-profit that is greatly impacting the youth in our area. I’ll be working directly with students to help them grow in their faith and leadership skills, and I’ll also be an integral part of recruiting, training, and supervising 20-30 college and adult volunteer leaders.  In this position I’ll have the privilege of being one of the voices of advocacy for the youth in our community, and I’ll get to continue building Young Life's relationships with the local church and with community leaders for this reason. I’ll work with the staff team on strategic planning and resource development, and handle the crucial details to set our teams up for success. Working for Young Life means I’ll have the opportunity to impact many different people in the Williamsburg community, and the development and training I’ll receive in my faith and leadership will be incredible, whether I choose to stay with Young Life indefinitely, or God calls me to something else in a few years!


Interested in being part of my support team?
Here's some next steps:

Partner with me by praying for the Williamsburg community to be impacted by Jesus' heart and truth, for the youth to grow in understanding of God's love and in boldness to be leaders in the Kingdom, for the Young Life leaders to continually grow in intimacy with the Holy Spirit, and for my trust in and relationship with God to deepen and flourish.

Consider joining this work by becoming a monthly donor, or by giving a one-time gift. Your generous support will be collected by Young Life itself, and will be 100% tax deductible.


Please continue to the links below to do so.



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